Teams and Permissions

Note! Only Mintplex contracts generated after July 6th, 2022 support Mintplex Teams having Full Access. If your contract was generated or deployed prior to this date you can only add addresses as the Read Only permission level.

With's Teams feature you can add up to 2 additional addresses for free that can help you manage your project. Upgrading your contract to Pro allows you to have unlimited team sizes.

Types of Permissions

Read Only

This permission level allows the added ETH address to open this project and have read & write access to off-chain features of this project.

Below is a list of things Read Only access can do

  • View insights for project

  • View, edit, and update mint button settings

  • Upgrade the project to Pro

  • View current on-chain settings of the contract's features

  • View ERC-1155 tokens and settings

Below is a list of actions Read Only cannot do

  • Update on-chain settings of the contract (like mint fee, etc.)

  • Update the base contract information (name, symbol, royalties)

  • Add/remove features to the contract

  • Regenerate the contract.

  • Deploy the contract.

  • Add/remove team members from the project

  • Execute the "Withdraw" function of the contract to payout the team.

  • Create and update ERC-1155 tokens and settings

Full Access

Heads up! Giving "Full Access" to any address can be dangerous - you should trust this person. Only the contract owner (the person who created the project on Mintplex) is the only one who can add/remove team members from the team as well as promote team members to Full Access.

This permission makes the ETH address added to be able to manage all features of the contract. You should trust this address before upgrading their permission level to "Full Access". In summary Full Access allows the address to act as the owner when managing the contract's settings. This does not make the address the owner of the contract on the blockchain - as that still belongs to the deployer.

Below is a list of actions "Full Access" can do

  • All of "Read Only" permission set

  • Manage, change, and update all features of the contract for testnet and mainnet.

  • Execute the withdrawal function of the contract. This will still payout everyone according to your payout table.

  • Create and update ERC-1155 tokens

Below is a list of actions "Full Access" cannot do

  • Update the base contract information (name, symbol, royalties)

  • Add/remove features to the contract

  • Regenerate the contract

  • Add/remove team members from the project

  • Transfer contract ownership

  • Deploy the contract.

Last updated