Read Current Contract Details

This will read the currently saved contract details for the ABI and bytecode. Useful for referencing the contract without having to re-generate a contract.


GET /api/:partner/projects/contract/:externalProjectId

When requesting this URL replace :partner with your specific partner tag, which you will receive when onboarded with Mintplex. This tag must match the one provided to you by Mintplex.

externalProjectId is the unique project in which you refer to the project in your system.

    headers: "Authorization <USER_ETH_ADDRESS_ALL_LOWERCASE>",

You will then be returned a response like

200 OK

    "status": true,
    "contract": {
        abi: [...], // used to interact with contract once deployed
        bytecode: [...], // used to deploy contract and validate source code

404 BAD

    "status": false,
    "message": "Project not found",
    "contract": null

400 BAD

    "status": false,
    "message": "invalid params",
    "contract": null

Last updated